Numba documentation
This is the Numba documentation. Unless you are already acquainted with Numba, we suggest you start with the User manual.
For all users
- User Manual
- A ~5 minute guide to Numba
- Overview
- Installation
- Compiling Python code with
- Creating NumPy universal functions
- Compiling Python classes with
- Creating C callbacks with
- Compiling code ahead of time
- Automatic parallelization with
- Using the
decorator - Callback into the Python Interpreter from within JIT’ed code
- Automatic module jitting with
- Performance Tips
- The Threading Layers
- Command line interface
- Code Coverage for Compiled Code
- Troubleshooting and tips
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Examples
- Talks and Tutorials
- Reference Manual
For CUDA users
- Numba for CUDA GPUs
- Overview
- Writing CUDA Kernels
- Memory management
- Writing Device Functions
- Supported Python features in CUDA Python
- CUDA Fast Math
- Supported Atomic Operations
- Cooperative Groups
- Random Number Generation
- Device management
- The Device List
- Device UUIDs
- Examples
- Debugging CUDA Python with the the CUDA Simulator
- GPU Reduction
- CUDA Ufuncs and Generalized Ufuncs
- Sharing CUDA Memory
- CUDA Array Interface (Version 3)
- External Memory Management (EMM) Plugin interface
- CUDA Bindings
- Calling foreign functions from Python kernels
- Compiling Python functions for use with other languages
- On-disk Kernel Caching
- CUDA Minor Version Compatibility
- CUDA Frequently Asked Questions
- CUDA Python Reference
For advanced users & developers
- Extending Numba
- Developer Manual
- Contributing to Numba
- Numba Release Process
- A Map of the Numba Repository
- Numba architecture
- Polymorphic dispatching
- Notes on generators
- Notes on Numba Runtime
- Using the Numba Rewrite Pass for Fun and Optimization
- Live Variable Analysis
- Listings
- Notes on stencils
- Customizing the Compiler
- Notes on Inlining
- Environment Object
- Notes on Hashing
- Notes on
- Notes on Caching
- Notes on Numba’s threading implementation
- Notes on Literal Types
- Notes on timing LLVM
- Notes on Debugging
- Event API
- Notes on Target Extensions
- Notes on Bytecode Handling
- Numba Mission Statement
- Numba Enhancement Proposals
- Glossary
- Release Notes